Why is Hearing Important?

Often regarded as the most important of the five human senses, hearing empowers us to lead a more fulfilled life by allowing us to communicate, learn, socialize and remain connected with the world around us.

How Do We Hear?

The ear is an intricate anatomy comprising three main parts – the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear – all of which work in sync to gather, filter and transform sounds from our environment into comprehensible information.

Outer Ear

The shape of the outer ear helps to collect and funnel sound waves into the ear canal, which directs them into the middle ear.

Middle Ear

The eardrum vibrates with sound while a series of three tiny bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup amplify the waves and carry them into the inner ear.

Inner Ear

The cochlea contains fluid and hair cells which, when moved, create neural signals that are picked up by the auditory nerve. In turn, the auditory nerve sends signals to the brain where they are interpreted as sounds.

What is Hearing Loss?

If your ability to pick up sounds that could previously be heard is diminishing, then you most likely suffer from hearing loss. There are various hearing loss types and degrees, which can be attributed to several factors like aging and long-term exposure to noise.

What Can You Do To Protect Your Hearing?

If your ability to pick up sounds that could previously be heard is diminishing, then you most likely suffer from hearing loss. There are various hearing loss types and degrees, which can be attributed to several factors like aging and long-term exposure to noise.