An ear mold is a piece of soft material made out of plastic or acrylic that is perfectly shaped to fit the user’s ear. Ear molds can be used in most hearing aids or as a way to protect hearing from loud sounds. They come in a variety of styles, colors and material types depending on personal preference and purpose of use. Ear molds are commonly used among those who regularly wear earplugs or ear pieces at work, for example musicians, newscasters, physicians and swimmers, all of whom require custom-made ear molds to either protect their hearing or accurately reproduce quality sounds.
Getting fitted with a custom ear mold at hearingTec will not only ensure the best hearing protection, but also superior comfort and a secure fit.

About Us
hearingTec is a leading retail and wholesale company, which aims at helping those suffering from various hearing loss types lead a normal, better quality life by providing advanced hearing solutions, customized ear molds, using 3D printing technology, and much more, for both adults and children.
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