We are constantly on the lookout for smaller, easier and better hearing loss solutions, while maintaining an unwavering commitment to quality, so we may contribute to overcoming hearing loss in children, adults and the elderly. As such, we have leveraged our long-standing experience of over two decades to partner with global hearing aid manufacturers Oticon People First, MED-EL, Interacoustics and Heinz KURZ, for the supply of top-notch hearing loss solutions, such as hearing instruments, middle-ear implants and prostheses, cochlear implants, audiological equipment, bone conduction hearing devices, among others. In addition, we are proudly the sole provider of the revolutionary 3D printing technology in Jordan, offering invisible, wireless and custom-made hearing aids.
At hearingTec, we take pediatric care to another level, as we feel it is our responsibility to do all that is in our power to help children lead active, happy and fulfilling lives, unhindered by the obstacles that hearing impairment can cause. To ensure that every client’s unique condition is matched with a customized hearing solution, we provide clients, doctors, and wholesale distributors a multi-product offering that is on par with international standards. Furthermore, our myriad of humbled services and audiological tests is complemented by the unwavering support of a passionate and driven team that stands committed to hearingTec’s mission.
Stemming from our firm belief in the importance of being a national model organization, we continuously strive to introduce industry experts to the latest scientific advancements, technological innovations and surgical solutions in the field of audiology and balance.
With the help of our trusted base of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists, a comprehensive range of products and premium services, both adult and child will experience an improved quality of life.